
Showing posts from May, 2019

Narrow is the Way....and Few will Find It

When I first discovered the god of my religion was fake, I desperately wanted to know who the real “God” was.  This question took me on a spiritual journey that changed my life forever.  To my amazement, I found “God” in the one place that every modern-day religion warned their followers to never look….in the “occult.”   The Physical Attack When the current planetary rulers usurped power from humanity, they attacked humans on both a physical and mental level.  The physical attack was brutal as they launched crusades worldwide murdering anyone who looked to nature, their ancestors, or the original divine pantheons for their answers.  Women were hung and burned alive for practicing herbalism, working with the forces of nature, and for following the ways of their ancestors.  Men were also slaughtered if they did not accept Jesus Christ or Allah as their lord and savior (depending on what part of the world you incarnated in).  Y...

There is a Place of You

As you awaken in consciousness, the world can become a very lonely place as you realize many of your biological family members and friends are still sleeping.  Humans were not created to exist in a state of constant solitude, as relationships with other people who share your mindset is crucial to your soul growth.  To ensure all the Starseeds who are scattered around the globe have a SiStar or a brother they can confide in, we have been moved by Spirit to create two closed groups, one for males and another for females. The Divine Brotherhood (for men) and The SiStarhood Sorority (for women) so we can discuss topics and host activities that are of a sensitive nature in a co-ed environment.  We want all our members to feel safe to share their experiences in a spiritually mature environment.  Although you may feel like you are alone, you are NEVER alone, and with a divine sibling by your side desiring the best for you, you can reach the stars!! ...

You Now Have Access to Ancient Information that will Change Your Life!!!

Would you like to gain clarity in your life? Become more aware in every situation? Discover your life purpose? Find out the root causes of recurring life issues?  Experience complete freedom by having a total perspective on every choice available to you?  Well, there is a way you can do this, and we are here to ensure every member of the Golden Race has access to this ancient knowledge.   There is an imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space located in an ancient library.  This library is known as the Akashic Records.  It is literally the imprint of all experiences of all lifetimes in all realities.  It is an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness that contains the past, present and future potentials.  This knowledge permeates and creates everything in the Universe.  These ancient records are available to everyone, everywhere, at all times....

There is Healing for Your Soul

You are a masterpiece, a divine source of limitless potential and energy.  Within you is a vast well of power, knowledge, and eternal life.  You were created with a complex mind and an immortal soul that instinctively elevates to meet the infinite boundaries of being.  Unfortunately, few are aware of these facts and have shattered their souls due to traumatic life experiences.  Next week we will begin the process of retrieving all the pieces of our souls to make us whole again during our 72-hour Mind, Body, and Soul detox.  Our quest for happiness, earthly success, and for a better quality of life is an ongoing process.  Most anticipate the promises of tomorrow with more pleasant life experiences.  While others cling to various physical objects for joy and satisfaction.  However, few realize that many of our desires are hidden within us.  There is much more to each of us than meets the eye.  This life we live is la...