Vengence is Mine

Disney has recently been remaking cartoons that are retelling well-known children stories with the background history of the known villain. As the stories are retold from the villain’s standpoint, the viewer soon discovers the evil person was really a victim of circumstance. One story in particular we need to analyze is “Maleficent.” If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend you do as it is filled with the true history of our planet.

Prior to seeing this movie, as a child, they had programmed me to feel sorry for the King, his wife, and his daughter.  After viewing it, I realized the “wicked witch” was really a scorned woman who deserved justice.  Similar to Maleficent, we all deserve to repay those who have wronged us.  That is where our ancient magical sciences come in.  It is our divine birthright to invoke our ancestral energies to return the same negative energy directed at us back to the sender.


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