Old Boy System: NFL Sends Message to Black America

When Donald Trump ran for president, his slogan was “Make America Great Again.”  The question on many indigenous people’s minds was “At whose expense?” For the vast majority, America has NEVER been great.  From the very beginning, it was built on theft, corruption, and murder so that a small recessive minority group could live well at the expense of all the other groups around them.  As we are rapidly coming to the end of 2019, it has become blatantly obvious what this desired “greatness” he and his supporters aspired to attain has been; to rewind time on the indigenous population. 

We have been bombarded with news clips of police brutality towards the “black” community and the detainment and removal of many Hispanic groups.  To date, very little justice has been done towards the perpetrators, many of which were government sanctioned officers.  There are television shows and news articles encouraging black women to have “The Talk” with their children so they understand why they will be treated different in our society than white children.

Last night, the same bigoted scene played out in the historically racist NFL league.  A white quarterback with the Pittsburg Steelers, Mason Rudolph, and two of his teammates attacked a black athlete of the Cleveland Browns, Myles Garrett.  When Mr. Garrett defended himself against an obvious mob attack, he was suspended from his team indefinitely while the white initiator, Mason Rudolph, skates away without penalty. 

This isn't the first time Mr. Garrett has been attacked by white people. In the past, a white man pretended like he wanted to take a picture with him and punched him in his face. To my amazement he did not hit him back. He chose to sue him instead. I figured they'd keep attacking him until he broke.

This same scene has played out in numerous slave movies, where they took the strongest black man and demasculated him in front of his people to invoke a spirit of fear and obedience.  All the sports media spokesmen, except for Max Keller on First Take, immediately sided with this obvious racist scenario.  The main reason they sided with the instigator was because he is smaller and weaker than this big strong black man.  This scene was once again an attack against the strong masculinity of black men.  So, now you must ask yourself, what message are they sending our children?  

You Run Up…You Get Done Up!!

It is human nature to defend yourself against an aggressor. If someone is physically attacking you, regardless of their size, you have a right to defend yourself. Would our country allow an economically weak country to launch missiles at our nation and not strike back?  No, because they know that if you allow people to abuse you and get away with it, you will become a target for future attacks.   

Of course, highly paid coons, like Steven A. have publicly rebuked Mr. Garrett, while he sees no wrong in what Mr. Rudolph did.  He went as far as to compare Mr. Rudolph, a grown consciously aware man with a seven-year-old based on his size. This is ludacris, however, what do you expect when Steven A. is the highest-paid personality in a historically racist sports arena?

At this point, the racial divide programming to reignite Jim Crow is in full swing.  From black face stunts happening nationwide to television shows programming the children to be mistreated by white men in positions of authority are airing across America.  The other day, I was watching a show entitled “Raising Deon” with my daughters and a scene came on that was obviously more “Make America Great Again” programming.  Deon was wearing his father’s watch and a white boy took it from him.  When he attempted to get it back, the white principal immediately tried to suspend him.  Deon’s mother argued for her son, and the principal decided to make Deon stay for detention while of course the white child who initiated this altercation was not reprimanded.

Making America Great Again?

Our ancestors had to fight for their freedom during the civil rights movement.  It was not freely given to them.  Today they show us pictures of marches and singing, and yes, this did happen, but the real change came when we fought back.  If we do not fight back now, our children will lose all the rights and freedoms our ancestors fought and died for. 

The only way for whites to be “Great Again” is to make every other race weak.  Knowing this fact, I could care less if America is ever great again, I just want it to be fair and balanced now!

How Do You Fight Back?


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