
Showing posts from November, 2019

Free Mobile Application

Stay in the KNOW with our Exploring the Golden Race FREE mobile application.  This application gives you quick access to our Community blog, Theater box office, online store, Mystery School, YouTube channel, Radio Station, and Facebook page.  Download the FREE application today! We just uploaded a new link that is 95% ad FREE!!!  Check it out below. DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION HERE

Vengence is Mine

Disney has recently been remaking cartoons that are retelling well-known children stories with the background history of the known villain. As the stories are retold from the villain’s standpoint, the viewer soon discovers the evil person was really a victim of circumstance. One story in particular we need to analyze is “Maleficent.” If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend you do as it is filled with the true history of our planet. Prior to seeing this movie, as a child, they had programmed me to feel sorry for the King, his wife, and his daughter.  After viewing it, I realized the “wicked witch” was really a scorned woman who deserved justice.  Similar to Maleficent, we all deserve to repay those who have wronged us.  That is where our ancient magical sciences come in.  It is our divine birthright to invoke our ancestral energies to return the same negative energy directed at us back to the sender. Read the Full Article Here

Old Boy System: NFL Sends Message to Black America

When Donald Trump ran for president, his slogan was “Make America Great Again.”  The question on many indigenous people’s minds was “At whose expense?” For the vast majority, America has NEVER been great.  From the very beginning, it was built on theft, corruption, and murder so that a small recessive minority group could live well at the expense of all the other groups around them.  As we are rapidly coming to the end of 2019, it has become blatantly obvious what this desired “greatness” he and his supporters aspired to attain has been; to rewind time on the indigenous population.  We have been bombarded with news clips of police brutality towards the “black” community and the detainment and removal of many Hispanic groups.  To date, very little justice has been done towards the perpetrators, many of which were government sanctioned officers.  There are television shows and news articles encouraging black women to have “The Talk” with their childre...

The Ultimate Parenting Guide

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our children came with manuals that taught us who they were, why they incarnated, their karmic debt, and outlined future events in their lifetime?  It would make both their lives and ours so much easier to navigate.  All the silly mistakes parents make that could potentially throw their young child off their life path could be avoided.  Well, there are two ancient readings that can provide you with this knowledge, and lucky for you, we offer both in our online store.  Since the beginning of time, man has been intimately involved with nature.  The sun, moon, and stars have played an intricate part in how humanity planned their daily lives, so much so that formal religious beliefs based on their energetic powers were created.  The “sun” of God is so much more than the fables many of us have been led to believe during Christendom.  The power of the spheres coupled with the energetic power of numbers plays a very im...

Your Past has an Impact on Your Current Reality

Ever wondered why your life unfolded in the manner it has? Why you’ve had the problems you’ve had in this lifetime? Why things are not quite working out the way you’d dreamed? A few weeks ago, we announced that a new product, our Karmic Past Life Insight Readings, had been added to our online store.  This reading is truly life-altering as it can assist you in clarifying your life lessons and goals while illuminating your struggles and encouraging you to move toward your true purpose. From an esoteric point of view, your birth chart is a portrait of your soul’s intention for this lifetime.  The lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, and service to be rendered are all encoded into your cosmic birth chart.  From this perspective, the choices you make in your daily life have reverberations that may last beyond this lifetime. How can we Determine What Occurred in Your Past Life? The placement of the Moo...

The Golden Race Home School Network

School shootings and student suicides due to bullying are on the rise as mankind is quickly losing their grip on reality.  As this crisis escalates, teachers in many states are now being allowed to carry firearms into the classroom.  Companies are now selling bulletproof book bags for children to wear to school.  If you love your children and want to see them grow to adulthood, I highly recommend you keep them home and teach them yourself.  Better yet, enroll them in The Golden Race Global Home School Network. I have been homeschooling for the past decade.  Initially, I desired to put my children in school, however, once I discovered they were not being taught properly, my husband and I took them out and to teach them at home.  Fortunately, I had previous teaching experience and have been working with children since I was in high school, so creating lesson plans, activities, and events were very easy for me to do.  I have truly enjoyed watching ...