Spiritual Cleansing

The spiritual and physical worlds were set on a collision course in 2012 and presently their entanglement has been sped up.  As a result, people are seeing shadowy figures in their peripheral vision.  Many are hearing strange sounds and unexplainable noises in their homes.  Missing items are becoming a commonplace as objects are sliding between realms.  Possession is at an all-time high, as bodies are being hijacked to commit terrorist acts by vengeful spirits.  Learning how to deal with unwanted spirits is your only line of defense in this spiritual war. 

At this time, it is imperative that you learn how to rid your home of undesirable spirits who are looking for a place to congregate.  Negative spirits can bring bad dreams, arguments, and a heavy feeling into your home.  They often whisper negative ideas in your inner ear, giving you thoughts that will lead to destruction.  Many of these spirits are earthbound and yearn to participate in the negative behaviors that got them trapped here.  If you allow them to coexist with you and your family, the result will be catastrophic. 

The best way to rid your house of these unwanted spirits is to cleanse your home with white sage.  It is an effective method that I highly recommend.  

How Do You Smudge Your Home?

Cleansing your home with white sage is easy to do.  You simply take a sage stick and light one end like a cigarette.  Hold the lit stick over a porcelain dish or shell bowl and walk around your house waving the smoke into the air.  I suggest that you go into every corner in each of your rooms (closets as well) and fan the smoke.  Personally, I pray as I do this.  If you are unfamiliar with prayer, you can command all negative spirits to leave your home.   Go from room to room until the entire house has been cleansed. 

You can also smudge yourself by lighting the sage stick and allowing the smoke to cover your body from head to toe.  This can be done while you are fully dressed or when you are naked.  If you are feeling really down, I would smudge naked and then take a purification bath to rid myself of negative energy.   

Sage sticks are sold at many natural health stores.  If you cannot find one locally, you can purchase a white sage stick in our online store.  We also sell an entire cleansing kit to assist you with keeping your home free of negative entities.  

When Should You Smudge Your Home?

1)      After you have visitors
2)      After menstrual cycles
    3)      After arguments
4)    If someone is experiencing bad dreams or toxic thoughts
5)    Once a week to keep your environment free of negative spirits
    6) When you move into a new home
    7)      Before you engage in sexual activity (smudge the room that the act will be performed in)

It is important that you remember that spirits are people who have lost their physical bodies.  They yearn to participate in activities that they enjoyed while they lived.  For example, if they enjoyed causing arguments, they will do the same thing on the spiritual plane by whispering bad ideas into your mind in hopes of seeing some fireworks.  

Why Does Sage Work?

White sage is a holy herb that has the ability to travel inter-dimensionally.  Everything on this planet has a physical and a spiritual component.  The spirit of the sage plant irritates negative spirits and will make them leave an area that has been smudged.  This technique has been used by native Americans for centuries.  

After you smudge your home, you will literally feel the difference in the atmosphere.  The air will feel lighter, and you will enjoy restful sleep as your area has been cleansed.  

We offer a 4-week Spiritual Protection course in our Mystery School which teaches our participants about the spirit world.  Participants learn about the spirit bodies, what happens after the physical body dies, how spirits interact in our reality, how spirits can attach to the aura of living people, how to rid yourself of negative spirits, and how to work with your spirit guides so that you can live a more fulfilling life.  If you are unfamiliar with spirits, I highly recommend this course, especially now while spirit activity is increasing.  This type of information will be crucial to your survival in our new world.     


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