Returning to Nature's Kitchen

Nature has an abundance of free organic nutrient rich foods that can nourish our bodies.  Unfortunately, most people have been programmed to purchase all their food from grocery stores to enrich the corporate giants.  The masses have lost their innate natural knowledge.  Schools nor parents have taken the time to teach the children how to identify edible plants, berries, and mushrooms, therefore they depend on corporations to provide all their sustenance.   This has resulted in unprecedented diseases in our communities.  

Returning to Nature

To simplify your learning experience, don’t think you need to learn every edible wild plant.  Although, I enjoy learning about new edible plants, few of them provide enough calories to be worth the effort in a long-term situation.  What you need to know is a few basic most abundant and calorie-rich plants.

Wild Meat

Although I do not recommend killing animals, if you require meat, all mammals in North America are edible (except for the livers of some arctic mammals).  Since many carry parasites, remember to wash your hands after handling them, and cook the meat thoroughly.  North American birds and their eggs are edible.  Some people have even eaten seagull eggs cooked on a hot rock and reported that they tasted great.

All the fresh-water fish in North America are edible.  However, catching the fish is the difficult part, but they can be quickly and easily cooked over a fire.  Amphibians and reptiles are usually safe to eat - if you remove the skin.  Even snake can be cooked and put in a stew. 

                                                          Wild Plants

Cattails is a plant you really need to become familiar with.  They grow in swamps or wet soil and is one of the most abundant and calorie-rich foods in the wilderness.  The white part of the stalk at the bottom, and the new shoots, can be eaten raw or cooked. The flower spikes can be cooked like corn-on-the-cob when they are green.  You can mash the roots in water to release the starch and then add it to soups.  The pollen from the flower spike can be shaken into a bag and used in soups.

The pine tree is also a life sustainer as its inner bark is edible.  It’s a good survival food to remember, because it is available year-round. That white spongy layer between the outer bark and the wood is what you want.  Although it is mostly fiber, it contains enough carbohydrates to be worth boiling into a soup if nothing else is available.

Edible berries are also delicious and filling to eat in the right season.  Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries all have their wild forms. If it looks like the domestic one (usually smaller) and smells and tastes like it, it’s safe to eat.

My favorite foods to forage are mushrooms and flowers!  I highly recommend that you learn which ones are edible.  Both have almost no calories, so you can eat as much as you desire.  I will post specific information in our closed group for members to search for in independent activities. 

This is priceless life-saving knowledge that has been forgotten for nearly a century.  I encourage all members to teach their children as you learn more.   Concentrate first on the common animals and the most abundant calorie-rich edible plants as these life-sustaining foods will most likely save your life during an economic collapse.  Knowing you can find food regardless of your financial situation can give you a peace of mind and ensure the survival of you and your family.


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