An Easy Way to Make Money

Last night, I had a very good chat with one of our members who was inquiring about making extra money online.  After our discussion, I thought about what The Golden Race could do to empower our members and faithful subscribers so they can all benefit monetarily from what we are already doing.  It dawned on me, that I could create a paid referral program similar to an Affiliate program like many of the larger corporations have done. 

In the past, we have attempted to take part in affiliate programs offered by these major corporations where we had to embed links onto our website for shoppers to purchase items from their online stores, however we were never compensated for any items that were purchased through these links. Apparently, there was “red tape” regarding what qualified as referral products and what we could and could not be compensated for. 

To ensure this doesn’t happen to our participants, we are making a very simple program that EVERYONE can and will benefit from.

Our program will function off a referral basis that will quickly compensate those who participate on a regular basis.  It will operate in 3 easy steps:
Step 1:  Complete the short enrollment form. 
Step 2: Refer a friend or associate to enroll in our Mystery School or as a Golden Race member by giving them our website address so they can check out our programs and services.
Step 3: Once they enroll, you will receive 10% of the fee they paid during their enrollment the next business day and a confirmation email stating the amount we will pay you every month they are enrolled.

As long as they are enrolled and paying, we will pay you every month.  There is NO enrollment fee, and NO strings attached.  It is very simple and easy to do.

This program will assist those who are interested in making residual income on a regular basis.  Although we, at The Golden Race are not currently hiring anyone to work on a full-time basis, this program can benefit those who desire to assist us in growing so that eventually we can begin to hire internally. You do not have to be an active member to participate.  Just visit the website to enroll and start earning extra money. 


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